2-Time Olympic Gold Medalist, Libero Fabizinha Announces Retirement

  0 Liam Smith | April 25th, 2018 | Brazilian League, Brazilian Volleyball, International Volleyball, News, Pro Indoor, South American Volleyball

Widely considered the best libero to ever play the game, two time Olympic gold medalist Fabiana Alvim has called it quits after an illustrious 20 year career that also included 10 Superliga titles, 5 Grand Prix, and 2 Grand Champions Cup gold medals. A fan favorite in Brazil, here is how she broke the news in her personal Instagram page:

“You know those moments that you know will come, but you refuse to believe it? You know that nostalgic feeling of remembering the beginning of everything? What about gratitude? Yes, I felt all this these last months, and I enjoyed it a LOT, and I mean a lot. It is not an easy decision, taken in the heat of emotions. I’ve decided upon this calmly, lucidly and afer lot of conversations! But the day has come! I want to quickly return to 1992, when I was a girl who lived in Iraja and dreamed of playing on the court with the boys! I was always upfront, I wanted to be accepted in the boys’ game, where no other girls were present! And it was there in Iraja that everything started!

The Barcelona Olympic Champions inspired me to dream. Dreaming, that’s what we do most when were kids! And I dreamed! But I never imagined that such a great thing would happen! I am grateful for the moments, the chance to defend a nation, to meet new places, to play with my idols and to know them very close, to live unforgettable moments! And that was all that volleyball you gave me! The only certainty I carry, regardless of victories or defeats (yes, defeat is part of LIFE), is that the feeling of giving heart and soul for your teammates is what most prides me! Yesterday was special! We lost the title to a great team, which in no way belittles our fight, our history and our trajectory! I was where I wanted to be, in team I wanted to be, doing what I love the most: playing volleyball! To my team my thanks! This is the word I will carry with me: gratitude! To the fans, without you, none of this would have made sense, thank you! My family and friends: get ready, I’ll need you a lot!”

Currently 38 years of age,  even though she had been retired from Brazil’s national team for quite a few years, Fabi was still’s Brazil best libero by a wide margin. Brazil will now look to her experienced teammate Jaqueline Endres to live up to Fabi’s name, as the first recently switched positions in order to prolong her career.

Sabe aquele momento que vc sabe que vai chegar mas não acredita? Sabe aquela sensação nostálgica de lembrar do início? Sabe gratidão? Pois é, senti tudo isso ao logo desses últimos meses, e aproveitei MUITO, mas muito mesmo. Não é uma decisão fácil, tomada do dia pra noite ou no calor das emoções. É com calma, lucidez e mtas conversas! Mas esse dia chegou! Quero rapidamente voltar a 1992, onde eu era uma menina que morava em iraja e sonhava em jogar na quadra com os meninos! Sempre fui atirada, queria ser aceita numa roda de meninos onde nenhuma menina figurava! E foi lá em iraja que tudo começou! A geração campeã olímpica de Barcelona me inspirou e me fez sonhar! Sonho, isso é o que a gente mais faz quando é criança! E eu sonhei! Mas jamais imaginei que tanta coisa bacana fosse acontecer! Sou grata pelos momentos, pela chance de defender uma nação, por conhecer lugares, por jogar com meus ídolos e conhecê-los bem de pertinho, por viver momentos inesquecíveis! E isso tudo foi o vôlei que me deu! A única certeza que carrego, independentemente de vitórias ou derrotas, sim, a derrota faz parte da VIDA, a sensação de se doar de alma pelas companheiras é o que mais me orgulho! Ontem foi especial! Perdemos o título para uma grande equipe, o que em nada desmerece nossa luta, nossa história e nossa trajetória! Eu estava onde queria estar, no time que queria estar, fazendo o que mais amava: jogando vôlei! Ao praia fica meu reconhecimento, pois do outro lado tinha mtas amigas!! Ao meu time o meu agradecimento! Essa é a palavra que carregarei comigo: gratidão! Aos fãs, sem vcs nada disso teria sentido, obrigada! A minha família e amigos: preparem-se, vou precisar mt de vcs!

A post shared by Fabi Alvim (@fabialvim) on

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