Brazil is a volleyball powerhouse in all genders and age groups, that is indisputable. However, we have frequently reported on the Brazilian Volleyball Federation’s (CBV) corruption woes, which currently jeopardizes its teams dominance on the sport. Only a few months ago, its president was accused of illegally using free sponsor airplane tickets for personal use and illegally selling sponsor clothing, which was supposed to be sent athletes, for institutional profit. The institution supposedly didn’t even provide sales receipts to its buyers in order to facilitate its tax evasion plans.
What’s the price of corruption in sports? The institution is reported to be penny-less, according to Brazil’s Bruno Voloch. With a debt of close to $7 million, CBV will probably cut all of its team funding and financial support. As for the players, CBV is studying revoking an agreement reached with its Olympic champions in which it paid extra money to airliners so they could fly first class and not in economy class during international competitions. The fact that this was an agreement only fixed between the institution and gold medalist players is problematic in itself. How did the players deal with some flying 1st class and others flying coach up until now? Regardless, the news won’t be met with happiness by the team’s 7ft tall middle blockers.
CBV Accused Of Illegally Selling Sponsor’s Sporting Materials
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