- September 5-9
- Nagoya and Osaka, Japan
- Preview
- Day 1
- VolleyMob Power Rankings
- Women – Schedule/Results
Sport uniforms/fashion is always evolving. Not too long ago, we had female indoor players playing in what amounted to bikinis at the most. In the last years, we have seen more functional changes, though. In the 80’s, professionals played in long sleeves, due to stricter double touch rules in receiving. The noise the ball made on impact helped the refs judge each player’s action. When rules became more lax, the uniforms changed to what FIVB endorses currently.
Most recently, we have see the rise of the forearm sleeves, which helps receivers attenuate the pain of hard passing/digging – although, when setters and outside hitters wear them, we can safely assume its more a fashion choice. But what we saw in yesterday’s game between Russia and Brazil totally caught us off-guard. Russian libero Svetlana Kryuchkova rocked finger-less gloves to the game! Fashion or floor-burn protection? Are we witnessing the beginning of a new era in libero wear? We have found evidence on Instagram that this is not the first time she has done so!
Regardless, it seems Lonely Island’s 2009 prediction is slowly coming into conclusion.

Available at https://www.deviantart.com/art/Everyone-was-wearing-fingerless-gloves-268359118
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